Wednesday, January 29, 2014

To Canada with love... Oh...And Justin Bieber.

Today as I was causally browsing through my news feed on Facebook I noticed an article that caught my attention as quickly as my infatuation for the pop singer had. "Petition Passes to Deport Bieber; Moved to White House to Discuss". 100,000 signatures were signed in order for this to potentially happen?? Is this real life?

I have to be honest. In my youth I may have had a slight stage of "Bieber fever". It's true.
I was taken aback by a young kid who had busted into the entertainment industry and seemed to be on a path that showed me he was trying to change a stigma of the glitz and glam... that is known commonly as the celebrity status. I thought Justin Bieber was so cute and innocent! Plus, his Mother had been a teen mom who said 'yes' to life. I respect that immensely being the pro life advocate that I am. But as the months have worn on I can't help but be really sad as scandal after scandal seems to be tainting the image of, the once innocent and adorable, Justin Bieber.

I had hope that Justin would take the high road and become a celebrity that doesn't seek his own glory, but the glory of Him who had created him and breathed His very life into him. I know this is quite the high hopes of a puberty hitting 15 year old, but it seemed like it could actually happen! He recorded a hit song named, "pray", and was donating thousands of money to worthy causes. The thing is my brothers and sisters in Christ, without God? We are nothing. We have no status or symbol. Or we may have one that lasts a decade or so but will fade. Now... holiness. That is something that will leave a legacy. And the courage to rise to the Sainthood God has chosen for us? Irreplaceable.

The part that makes me the most sad about this discovery, isn't that Justin Bieber might get deported. Shocking? I know. The thing that upsets me is that when millions of lives are dying each day, people are rioting at the fact that Justin Bieber has broken the law but aren't outraged at the unborn lives dying minute after minute in the United States. Life. Precious and tiny lives are being taken away and some people are more willing to sign a petition booting a Canadian pop star out of the United States than a murderous act that has taken billions of lives.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please be courageous. I know that it isn't easy to stand for the unborn and defend the rights of those who are the tiniest among us but they are in need of our help! Our Lord has a plan for them and their lives do not end in vain, but millions of women need us! They need us to tell them "It's going to be OK", and more than that, "We are here to help". Do not be afraid!
Did you know that each time in scripture when an angel appeared the first thing they would say is, "Do not be afraid". They did this first and foremost because angels aren't chubby little babies but true divine beings- that can be very intimidating. Secondly, because anytime they came it was because there was a heavy and absolutely vital task that person was being asked to do by God. Just think of our sweet Mother! "For behold you will bear a son...." That was quite the task Our Lord had set before her! And in her response she gave Our Lord the trust that she knew He would do what was best for her and the salvation of humankind. We are called to a great task and Our Lord asks us 'do not be afraid!'. I pray that we can all be given the grace to stand when life is taken away and to be the hands of feet of Christ to those Mothers and Father's in need of love!

My challenge to you is the next time a petition to defend life comes around.... be courageous! Sign it and defend those who are innocent! Be prayer warriors for unborn! And... Instead of 'Bieber fever' let's have 'Jesus fever'. Oh yes. I said it!

I will be praying for you prayer warriors! Please do the same for me!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Top 13 of 2013

This is a little late but here's my reflection of the past year! I want to remember the top 13 things that happened in 2013...

1. I went to the happiest place on earth and worshipped the one and only God. I traveled with friends and had an unforgettable experience at the FOCUS SEEK Conference.


2. I became an aunt to Miles James Sebastian. He is an absolute joy in my life.

3. I became a godmother to Miles James. What a serious and beautiful task this is! I am now assigned the duty to care and watch over my godson so that he will make his path towards Heaven and Our Lord. I cannot be more honored.


4. I completed my 4th and 5th semesters in college! I am now getting that much closer to my dream of inspiring and teaching kids!

5. I went to Spain on an unforgettable trip. I lived with the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother and was overwhelmed with Gods love and desire for me to work for His kingdom. The two weeks I spent with the Sisters was a time of prayer, reflection, and had work. I will forever be indebted to the Sisters and the lessons they taught me.

6. I went to Missouri and spent some much needed time with my Grandpa, Warren Wesley Willis, before he was called home to Heaven. My grandpa passed away in August after we made our trip. He was an inspiration to all of us and raised the best son who became the best dad! 

7. I found out that I was going to be an Aunt to another little baby in October! It was fun and exciting to find out Addie Jo was going to be an older sister! Praise God for new life!

8. I made the deans list for the first time. Ever. This was a shock and huge accomplishment I never thought I would ever be able to achieve! At a young age I was always the youngest sister who got the "thumbs up" instead of the A's. To be able to get passed this and achieve a goal I thought was unattainable was a wonderful surprise! 

9. I celebrated the life of Warren Wesley Willis with my entire family. This was a time of joy and sadness but mostly gratitude! I cannot be more thankful for my wonderful family!

10. I became an Aunt to Benedict Wayne Raddatz! He is such a happy and joyful little boy! My favorite moments is getting to just cuddle and allow for this tiny little man to rest in my arms. By far one of the greatest feelings in the world is holding that new little life.

11. People say you meet the friends you will keep for the rest of your life in college... And I have! I'm so blessed with friends who make me better and inspire me!


12. I turned 21 and stepped into adulthood! Don't worry!! I managed to not become an alcoholic ;) but have enjoyed a few drinks with friends and family. I also came to the realization that I'm growing up and soon I'll be stepping into the real world...


 13. I fell in love.  Sounds cheesy.  And took me by surprise. But I cant wait for what the next year will bring for me and my best friend.